Picture Blurrfect

How the Prefrontal Cortex is Involved in Food-Related Decision Making: Rachel Ross, MD, PhD

Naomi Charalambakis Wilkerson Season 3 Episode 13

Time to geek out a little bit this week because who doesn't love to talk about the brain!? Naomi sits down with Dr. Rachel Ross of Albert Einstein College of Medicine to chat about her latest publication in Physiology & Behavior that examines how a specific receptor in the prefrontal cortex--the very front part of our brain--influences food-related decision making. Dr. Ross shares the implications of her findings in the mouse model and how it could shape future research directions in studying food intake and associated behaviors, including eating disorders.

Paper Mentioned in the Episode:
1. Ross et al., (2023). Prefrontal cortex melanocortin 4 receptors (MC4R) mediate food intake behavior in male mice. Physiol Behav. 269:114280.

Remember to also check out Dr. Rachel Ross' lab website! Dr. Ross is currently seeking a postdoctoral fellow. Reach out to her for more info if interested: rachel.ross@einsteinmed.edu.

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