Picture Blurrfect

Project Body Neutrality & Scalable Mental Health: Jessica Schleider, PhD

Naomi Charalambakis Wilkerson Season 3 Episode 9

The lovely Jessica Schleider, PhD of Stonybrook University (soon to be Northwestern!) joins the podcast to discuss her latest paper in the International Journal of Eating Disorders that focuses on data from Project Body Neutrality. Results are promising and indicative of the effectiveness of brief, accessible interventions in reducing mental health problems, including disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and depression. Join us to learn all about single-session interventions (SSIs), body neutrality, scalable mental health, and next steps for Dr. Schleider's lab!

Paper Discussed in the Episode:
1. Smith et al., 2023: Project Body Neutrality: Piloting a digital single-session intervention for adolescent body image and depression. Int J Eat Disord. 2023 May 2. doe: 10.1002/eat.23976.

See More from the Schleider Lab: https://www.schleiderlab.org

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Twitter: @Blurrfect
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E-mail: naomi.charalambakis90@gmail.com