Picture Blurrfect
Picture Blurrfect
How the Fear of Being Judged Influences Body Image: Nora Trompeter, PhD
You ever how the fear of people's perception of you changes how you see yourself, particularly when it comes to your weight and body image? Naomi sits down with Dr. Nora Trompeter (University College London) to discuss her latest paper on the bidirectional relationship between negative evaluation (e.g., the fear of being judged) and weight/shape concerns. Naomi and Dr. Trompeter discuss the implications of this study and its potential impact in improving preventive care for eating disorders/disordered eating.
Paper Discussed in the Episode:
1. Trompeter et al., 2023: Examination of bidirectional relationships between fear of negative evaluation and weight/shape concerns over 3 years: A longitudinal cohort study of Australian adolescents. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 56 (3).
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