Picture Blurrfect

Eating Disorders in Men & LGBTQIA+ Individuals: Tiffany Brown, PhD

Naomi Charalambakis Wilkerson Season 2 Episode 5

Naomi sits down with Dr. Tiffany Brown of Auburn University who studies eating disorders in populations that are frequently overlooked, particularly men and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Turns out, we are just starting to uncover data and trends about these groups. Dr. Brown shares her research on day hospital treatment outcomes among sexual minority patients as well as the efficacy of cognitive dissonance-based interventions among gay males. Towards the end of the conversation, Dr. Brown shares next steps for her lab and future research opportunities.

Papers Discussed in the Episode:
1. Donahue et al., (2020): Examining day hospital treatment outcomes for sexual minority patients with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord. Oct.,  53 (10).
2. Brown & Keel (2015): A randomized controlled trial of a peer co-led dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program for gay men. Behave Res Ther. Nov., 74:1-10.

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