Picture Blurrfect
Picture Blurrfect
Weight-Based Bullying: Janet Lydecker, PhD
Naomi chats with Dr. Janet Lydecker of Yale University about weight-based bullying: what it is, what it looks like, and how we can begin to address it as a scientific and clinical community. In addition to sharing some of weight bullying's key characteristics, Dr. Lydecker explains the association between weight stigma and bullying, and how parents/teachers/loved ones can facilitate a dialogue about this issue. There's plenty more research to conduct on this topic, and Dr. Lydecker is paving the way to uncover it.
Dr. Lydecker is the head of Yale's POWER lab: Program for Obesity, Weight, and Eating Research. Learn more about her lab, including ongoing studies, here.
Being bullied is not your fault and something no one deserves. Please know there is help. Contact someone today if you would like seek help.
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